We have been slowly getting use to our new normal. It took us a few days to process that we don't have a storefront anymore.
WHAT? I know a lot of people missed that. It has been a crazy couple of months. So let's back up. The old Slick's building that we rented was sold. It is now a quilting and upholstery store. We needed a place to move and quick! The new owner of the building at 306 N Main st. offered to rent us his building. We took his word and moved in. Long story short, he lives in the building and refused to get the air conditioning fixed. We had to be out by the end of July after a conversation we had. So we applied with the city to re zone our home to run our business out of our basement and we started fixing stuff at the house. Our fantastic customers came and supported us during our going out of business sale and cleaned out so much of our inventory the last couple weeks of June.
I woke up July 8 to a text saying that we were not allowed in the building anymore. Lesson learned, in business, do not take anyone's word. Talk about stressful. That day we moved AS much as we could. A friend offered us his trailer and our neighbor let us store some stuff in her garage for a few days.
We have painted the basement, put up a wall and door and moved everything back home. Both floors of our 696 square foot house has CSC in it. But slowly we are getting things unpacked and put away.

Right now, we are waiting on the city to hopefully approve us. Until we get that approved, we are just going to go back to doing business without a store front. So, porch pickups, workshops somewhere else, shipping orders, local delivery and stuff like that. As of now I plan for us to be at all of our vendor shows we have committed to. I hope to also find some places to be a vendor at and do consignment for the shop. I have to get a few more things done around here before we are back to normal production. The laser needs to be cleaned and set up in its new spot as well as our shipping stuff is still boxed up. That should be done in the next week.
Kelly and I actually took a day this week to go fishing and do some fun stuff. It has been forever since we have been able to do that. Getting my own to do list around the house done and just learning to slow down a bit.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support over the past TEN years.
With all of that being said, here is to the rest of 2024.
Cheers and much love-
Elizabeth & Kelly